
The Daily Mile

Girl and boy running

A daily mile is a perfect opportunity for children to get the physical exercise they need in order for their feet and body to grow in the best way possible. That’s why we are proud to sponsor The Daily Mile, supported by INEOS. The Daily Mile works with schools and organisations to encourage children of all ages to take 15 minutes exercise every day.

Research studies have shown that The Daily Mile not only improves children’s fitness, but it also makes them feel happier and more alert with improved concentration.

Movement is also a great way to improve our balance and coordination. It is how we develop our muscles, ligaments, bones and tendons. All these parts of our body learn and develop together, so just 15 minutes of exercise a day, at our own pace, will help us to develop strength and confidence in our physical ability.

Motivate and Encourage

This year in collaboration with The Daily Mile, we have launched two new school shoe styles, Motivate and Encourage. The new school shoes strengthen our joint ambition to support children’s healthy development and encourage children to discover the world at their feet.

We will be donating 10% of profits from every sale of the exclusive school shoes to The Daily Mile, to help all children, no matter their age, ability or personal circumstances, enjoy getting active every day.

Have you ever wondered what happens to your foot when you walk a mile?

Our feet do a fantastic job in helping us to run a mile. They produce the power to propel us forwards. When we are young, our feet are constantly adapting and developing to our surroundings, sending signals to our brain. Our fantastic feet, made up of muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and thousands of nerve endings are so complex that Leonardo da Vinci called the foot a masterpiece of engineering.

If you imagine the foot in two parts: the forefoot and the rearfoot. They must work in sync as we walk or run. Every time our foot hits the floor when walking, it experiences the equivalent of twice our body weight. When we are running this increases up to three times our body weight! To absorb all this ‘shock’ our foot must become more flexible, flattening as it hits the ground and then become rigid again as we take the step. The subtalar joint which sits directly below and in front of our ankle is essential in helping our feet flatten and roll as we walk, run, sprint or jump. As we take a step, the subtalar joint flattens and rolls, and then re-forms our feet into an arch shape when we step back up.

Shock pulses travel throughout the body when the foot hits the ground, up to the knee, hips and spine – all these elements need to work together so that we can run or walk efficiently. With everything working together we are able to walk or run without thinking too much about it. We get more shock around our body when we run on hard surfaces such as concrete paths, so it’s important that our shoes provide the right balance between support and cushioning. Too little or too much cushioning can cause the foot to over-flatten and this can lead to injury.

The big toe is a big deal. It must be able to bend in your shoes, otherwise you cannot walk or run properly and this can injure your knees, your hips or your lower back.

The Plantar Fascia is like a strong lever working hard to support all these key elements. It’s a thick band of tendon that runs under the arch of your foot. It helps the subtalar joint absorb shock when you land to support the arch as it flattens. It then helps reform the arch under the foot as the foot leaves the ground and acts as a lever to help propel you forwards. Finally, is works with the big toe to help the arch under your foot to reform.

Our many tendons provide stability for all the joints in our foot and the most important one is called the Achilles Tendon. This connects our calf muscles to our heel. Without our Achilles Tendon we would not be able to run and barely able to walk.

Our feet are made for movement. They tell your brain how your body is functioning and they become more healthy, the more we use them. Taking exercise for at least 15 minutes every day will keep your body on its toes.

Convinced to do The Daily Mile?

Over 11,000 schools across the country take part in The Daily Mile, with more than 2.3 million children enjoying the exercise with their friends. Participating in The Daily Mile will help support your awareness and alertness, your happiness, and your overall fitness and wellbeing. It’s a great way for all the family to stay active, stay social and maintain fitness together.

Find out more about The Daily Mile >

Author: Vista, published 12-06-2023.